Supersize a quarter pounder and fries with a quart of pharma Coke and finish yourself off! Do us all a favor. My 93 yo in laws been battling coof for 2 weeks and sadly they still believe media fuckwad whores like u. They didnt deserve this bioweapon. But since u r and yours r conspirators u deserve the worst!
Just get a couple more shots, that should do it.
Gonna crack a rib might laugh too hard
received EXCELLENT medical care ... yep ...sure did
Supersize a quarter pounder and fries with a quart of pharma Coke and finish yourself off! Do us all a favor. My 93 yo in laws been battling coof for 2 weeks and sadly they still believe media fuckwad whores like u. They didnt deserve this bioweapon. But since u r and yours r conspirators u deserve the worst!
right on! my sentiments exactly.
Especially if they've also euthanized and sterilized their children with the clot-shot.
These people can not be convinced of the truth.
I think Clif was talking about a media company going down. I'm 90% certain that's what he was saying
Oops, already posted! Lol
Sucks for him. Karma is a bitch