I did it, I left big tech on my terms bc I refused to push their anti-American socialist agendas. I stayed true to myself and values and so can you. F the commies.
💥 This is the Way 💥
I thought apple was one of the better companies when it came to leftist politics. Then again I have no idea how the company is like internally.
They are a corporate political pawn pushing green energy/climate change, forcing multiple week covid testing or vax (although I appreciate how they’re not mandating), they got into the Chinese economy (no telling what they agreed to in order to make that happen), etc
Unfortunately, the bulk of large corporations have had their management teams infiltrated with woke communists. I work in a large company in an industry that is traditionally very conservative, and we get the same woke BS from management
I was management. We are everywhere.
The wokeness is in small company management too. Our HR recently changed their label to “PR” to start, and whenever they leave their comfy offices and mingle with us in the shop they’re keeping their distance and wearing masks.