I did it, I left big tech on my terms bc I refused to push their anti-American socialist agendas. I stayed true to myself and values and so can you. F the commies.
💥 This is the Way 💥
Congrats! I aspire to be like you. I also work at a big tech company... Stuck because of finances.
I had the same realization. Never felt more like an indentured slave to the central bank than figuring how to leave a 6 figure job with a family. BUT, I looked and found an even better paying job where we don’t dwell on covid, we control our success and performance, and to top it off they’re conservative! Their biggest fear at Apple right now is talent retention - everyone is leaving for more $. They threw out $1k bonuses and .85 raises in a sad attempt to keep people from flying the coop.
The "Great Resignation' is a very real thing. But it is not about the money per say. It is about the intangibles. Like you mentioned, it is a hot job market. I am currently looking and it looks like I might be in the finals for two different positions. I don't want to count chickens though, but it is a pretty good feeling. My friend just left and she increased her pay $65K. Less stress and an opportunity to build something.
Sigh. I despair at the low standard of English (or, in this case, Latin).
Per se is the phrase. Look it up.
You are correct. Coffee is still kicking in...
Wow. Alright, I'll need to take a look at the job market again.
You're right about feeling like an indentured servant. The 6-figure salary is pretty much a lie. About 40% of the income goes to taxes and insurance, another 50% to mortgages (or rent if you are renting), and the remaining 10% is left to pay for tuition, food, gas, etc. It use to be easy to get by with a budget of $500 per week for everything, but with inflation, everything's been getting more expensive and I'm finding myself eating into my cash reserves.
What you just described was all by design. I figured out how to cut extraneous expenses, no matter how minimal. Paid my car off, don’t carry credit card debt, Salvation Army is where I shop, pack my lunch, etc. Student debt will be gone next year and our mortgage is our main but reasonable expense. In fact, we pulled out stock (bc I don’t trust the market) and bought an investment property before the market popped up. My mission is to not let them dictate my life and decisions bc I can be and stay independent.