This is a basic persuasion principle. Appeal to authority. However, it is more subtle than just trotting out an "expert" to say whatever. The "expert" has to somehow touch the respondent and make him feel that this expert is his expert. Experts are our mental anchors in the world, most people have experts they trust.
Instead of a label, expert, substitute the idea and emotional pull of "person I relate to and admire." People are persuaded by this illusion of relationship.
This is a basic persuasion principle. Appeal to authority. However, it is more subtle than just trotting out an "expert" to say whatever. The "expert" has to somehow touch the respondent and make him feel that this expert is his expert. Experts are our mental anchors in the world, most people have experts they trust.
Instead of a label, expert, substitute the idea and emotional pull of "person I relate to and admire." People are persuaded by this illusion of relationship.