Pray for me frens. Spouse and I hate the idea of the jab... I'm willing to go forward not vaxxed, he will take it to support us and to provide some level of income.
We've been on same page, but I'm waaay further down the rabbit hole. Because of this, I am firmer in my stance.
It will tear us apart.
I'm not alone in this. I know some of you have been dealing with situations like this or worse much longer. Advice appreciated.
Edit: we both work in the defense industry; we have until 12/8 to be fully vaccinated.
I suppose you've shared data from here. Dooming "you're all going to die" even if it's true, sounds paranoid. Here's a lighter take that doesn't sound paranoid:
Also the fact that OSHA hasn't even begun to issue guidelines on it is something as well. As another commenter said, it's very possible he can hold out until it's overturned.
And pray. Sometimes He provides an answer we cannot imagine.
Over shared days and he thinks I'm crazy. He agrees shot bad, but doesn't know anyone that has been injured by it. So that reinforces his stance. He doesn't believe that this is an agenda. I showed him the Bill Gates patent last night, and he says he doesn't care.
I haven't checked those resources out yet- thank you. I will pass them along.
Our time is short - we fall into the 12/8 mandate.
Sounds like he wants vaccine injury stories, not the truth behind the curtain...
I have my own anecdotal stories - hearing of more & more people every day with new medical issues, all vaxxed people. I have never seen this level of absence for medical in the past. People just disappear.
What are seeing for “just disappear”?
They go on medical leave & haven't come back.