Destroying the Narrative: 40 Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic Never Existed Part 1 -Global Research Sept 30thenter text
This is the crisis of my lifetime. Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary…We will not go back to where we were when the pandemic started. That is pretty certain…” – George Soros
The whole world is under the power of an evil spell. The specters of the past are rapidly converging across the globe and hurling us towards a true prison planet where authoritarian rule is commonplace.
None of this would have been possible without State of Emergency declarations being implemented in countries worldwide to stop the so-called coronavirus “pandemic.” Authoritarian governments love emergency powers and executive orders because they provide cover to implement all manner of draconian dictates essentially destroying free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press all in the name of keeping people safe.
What if the pretext for declaring a pandemic and locking down billions of people was all just a ruse?
What if all that’s happened over the past 18 months had nothing to do with a global health crisis?
What if many of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 could have stemmed from other causes?
What if the reason for declaring a pandemic was destroy the current world system and institute a “new normal” New World Order?
There is an abundance of evidence suggesting that the coronavirus “pandemic” is nothing but a global social engineering project meant to get people used to obeying mandates and dictates from local, state, federal, and even international powers.
The following statement from World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab seems to indicate there is indeed another purpose for the crisis:
If it can be proven that there was never a real pandemic, then all instituted measures including lockdowns, masking, social distancing, contact tracing, vaccination, and vaccine passports are totally unnecessary, unethical, unlawful, and must be stopped immediately!
There have been thousands of articles written about the devastating repercussions each one of these “safety” measures has wrought against humanity. This two-part article will tie together many facts that when considered together, will destroy the illusion that humanity ever faced a dire “pandemic.” The list is in no particular order and links to source material are included for reference and further investigation.
Much of this research could not have been achieved without the work of so many independent journalists and alternative media outlets. Now, let’s begin the journey and delve into the first twenty reasons why a COVID-19 pandemic never existed.
First, we need to recalibrate ourselves. The authorities have redefined what a pandemic is and what a vaccine is. So everything we thought we knew about both has to be re-examined.
Second, as with every statistic, we should inquire how that statistic was calculated. What was the data it was based on? How were the tests made? In this case, they did not have a valid test for COVID-19. They used one based on PCR which its inventor told us was not suitable for diagnostic testing of any kind.
(Strangely, that inventor, Kary Mullis, died right before the COVID-19 virus struck. I am sure the conspiracy theorists among us will be ahead of me!)
We have another reason for not trusting the test. It is being withdrawn because it is known not to work. That is the good news. The bad news is that Soros and Gates have bought a company that makes tests and they are developing a new one. I wonder if that will be an objective test or one that reflects the aspirations of the new owners?
So, not only did they have to redefine what a pandemic was they had to use a test that is known for producing up to 95% false positives to make the number of cases sufficiently high to justify the pandemic status.
Also, to get the maximum benefit from those false positives, they did not test just people with symptoms. I bet the number of people with symptoms who tested positive for COVID-19 would not have been enough to justify a pandemic even with the revised definition. Scam, anyone?
** Scam, EVERY ONE!**
There is a virus going around, I had it. It is different from others. But, yes the reaction to the virus is not about health it is about world domination. The deaths are inflated, the cases are inflated. Even with their death numbers the virus is on par with the flu, it does not require these massive overreactions.