posted ago by ThankGod ago by ThankGod +17 / -0

Swedish municipalities have decided to let 15-year-olds receive the Covid-19 vaccine against their parents wishes when the program is extended to 12 to 15-year-olds from October 11th.

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR), which represents both the regional governments which run Sweden’s health system and the municipalities which run schools, said that it had decided that 15-year-olds could be sufficiently mature to decide for themselves, although it said it was up to each individual region to decide it they wanted parents to have a say.

“SKR has assessed the legal support it gives to regions and municipalities and now believes that it is possible to make an assessment of whether a person is sufficiently mature [to decide] from 15 years and above,” Emma Spak, head of the healthcare unit, told the Dagens Nyheter newspaper, saying that 15 year olds would be treated in the same way as 16 and 17 year olds had been.
