Really? Siding with the KGB? Do you know how much harm the KGB caused America? They were literally spies on a mission to destroy America and bring about a communist revolution.
Id think twice before claiming you love America and siding with the KGB.
At this point, you appear to be an obvious paid shill. Think about yourself and who you're working for, and for what a small pittance you're willing to help destroy the world.
I love America. But the CIA hates its guts.
Really? Siding with the KGB? Do you know how much harm the KGB caused America? They were literally spies on a mission to destroy America and bring about a communist revolution.
Id think twice before claiming you love America and siding with the KGB.
At this point, you appear to be an obvious paid shill. Think about yourself and who you're working for, and for what a small pittance you're willing to help destroy the world.
Lol nice try. Patriots dont shill for the KGB, like you are. I love America, sorry that that triggers you.
KGB been gone awhile now try to keep up kid.
Sure but Putin works very hard to craft his image as a KGB alumn. Once a KGB always a KGB. Sworn enemies of America and freedom.