Are you guys noticing this?
In the past, he's mentioned storms, cabals, adrenochrome and kid fuckers.
Nowadays he has a bit about "Do you really think there are satanist pedos in the WH? Yes. Yes I do, how could you not?
Yesterday he showed an article about "15% of Americans believe satan worshiping pedos run the gov" which had a Don't tread on Me flag with the snake formed in a Q
Is the salty General laying low, and nodding to us Q tips and Q cumbers? I think he might just be.
I also noticed that when he was talking about going on break in the most recent stream somebody else mentioned 10 days of darkness, and if I remember correctly he laughed but he didn’t acknowledge that he knows what that meant.
There’s 0 chance he doesn’t know what that means - whether he supports us or not