When an "experimental aircraft" is being transported openly on the back of a flatbed truck, such that Joe Public can get a photo of it... it's either completely fake (they wanted that photo to be taken, misdirection),it doesn't work very well (not useful for much) or its not a secret anymore (everyone else in the world already knows about it).
When an "experimental aircraft" is being transported openly on the back of a flatbed truck, such that Joe Public can get a photo of it... it's either completely fake (they wanted that photo to be taken, misdirection),it doesn't work very well (not useful for much) or its not a secret anymore (everyone else in the world already knows about it).
Looks a bit like the old SR-71 drone.
Image link: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/rbjublshq2ezw3fufvpx.jpg
If these people are already having a problem in answering questions, this will be increasing for them exponentially.
Stealth sub? Doesn't look like it could fly in the conventional sense.
Yup...on purpose