posted ago by magachudd ago by magachudd +27 / -0

Bastard Newsom decided to illegally mandate vaccines for K-12. Got email SAME DAY that they are looking to enforce it (treating it the same as other vaccines of which I am already not a fan due to autism etc) by January or July 2022.

Ive had enough. I am looking to attend a board meeting this week and would really appreciate your assistance in digging up info to deliver. I am interested in using great deliveries from other patriots in recent times including an expert in masks I saw (need to find), the Vidalia lady, and others. I also want to specifically address the financial kickbacks these people may be getting.

Im not going to sit around waiting for others to fight the battle to protect my kids. Date is this week and need to get prepared. 5 minutes to wake fuckers up and bring heat.

Any help is appreciated.