And if you follow that logic all the way, "Q" is the actual financial symbol of bankruptcy. Annumous retail is bankrupting old money hedge funds right now, people like Bill Gates are scared.
Be sure to buy GME directly through ComputerShare, which puts the shares in YOUR NAME, and takes "power" away from the evil ones who've been stealing billions of dollars from the "retail investors" for multiple generations.
** Did you know that when you buy stocks through most of the brokers (TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.) that the stocks you hold in your account are likely held in "street name"? They are registered to the broker or custodian, not you! This could possibly open you up to a very bad experience should the broker go bankrupt, or should the blatant manipulation and other crimes continue.
There are several reddit boards explaining this and it's a top topic. You may find this link helpful.
It's DRS (Direct Registered Shares) and designates the actual owner of a real share. After researching it, I've just initiated with mine.
Be sure you research the ramifications.
Gamestop is definitely (to me) part of the plan. Can't take down the International Banking Cabal without taking their money away.
And if you follow that logic all the way, "Q" is the actual financial symbol of bankruptcy. Annumous retail is bankrupting old money hedge funds right now, people like Bill Gates are scared.
Wow if a monster like Gates is scared that’s a bell weather
Be sure to buy GME directly through ComputerShare, which puts the shares in YOUR NAME, and takes "power" away from the evil ones who've been stealing billions of dollars from the "retail investors" for multiple generations.
** Did you know that when you buy stocks through most of the brokers (TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.) that the stocks you hold in your account are likely held in "street name"? They are registered to the broker or custodian, not you! This could possibly open you up to a very bad experience should the broker go bankrupt, or should the blatant manipulation and other crimes continue.
"Direct Register" those GME shares in YOUR Name.
There are several reddit boards explaining this and it's a top topic. You may find this link helpful.
It's DRS (Direct Registered Shares) and designates the actual owner of a real share. After researching it, I've just initiated with mine. Be sure you research the ramifications.
Yes! Other useful GME sites: -and-
For a daily (Monday through Friday) dose of info, I like Pickle Financial's YouTube channel:
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