posted ago by propertyofUniverse ago by propertyofUniverse +19 / -1

Here's an idea which developed from another post https://greatawakening.win/p/13zfvcLesb/new-router-has-two-ssids--not-mu/ by u/QUADBRIX/ and a conversation with u/corybookerjefftoobin/ on that post

Why not set up your smartphone to broadcast a redpill SSID like "trumpwon" or "donttrustthevax" when you in a high traffic area like a mall or a municipal building?

I am not a smartphone user but I have one for a stock app for GME. It has no SIM

Here's my experiment:

I switched on my android smartphone and went to settings / wireless and networks/ tethering and portable hotspot / wifi bridge

I created a new SSID called "novax" and bridged it to my home wifi .

It appears in the connection list for other devices. It's password protected of course.

It took me two minutes.

I don't know what happens if the wifi it is bridged to goes out of range.

I can't set up a wifi hotspot (as distinct from a wifi bridge), probably because this phone has no SIM

Can you help me develop this idea and we'll all be walking SSID redpill stations?