Brahhhahhaha ,I know right !
I stole it ,, another post was getting major heavy about how fkn bad it was and on and on and on , comment after comment was heavy , we're all gonna die and nobody cares kinda stuff and some friend did the "let's go Brandon" ,, I lost it , like loud , so I thought I'd give it a try ;)
Brahhhahhaha ,I know right ! I stole it ,, another post was getting major heavy about how fkn bad it was and on and on and on , comment after comment was heavy , we're all gonna die and nobody cares kinda stuff and some friend did the "let's go Brandon" ,, I lost it , like loud , so I thought I'd give it a try ;)
Love it just love it. Best post all day!
Let’s go Brandon!
Just like the latest one… Stop being such a Bill Mitchell! I love that one too!