Q1. Are citizens allowed to request a forensic audit of their own voting precinct?
Q2. Are citizens allowed to subpoena the ballots, signature envelopes, sign-in logs, and all records (including electronic records) of their voting precincts for an election?
Q3. What is the cost for the County Election Board to supply the responsive records+? Who pays and when?
Q4. Who else must be present while the audit is conducted?
Q5. What restrictions are there?
Q6. Are ballots kept in the same order that they were voted in the machines?
Q7. How are mail-in ballots processed? When? By whom? What chain of custody documentation is there?
Q8. Were any drop boxes used for my precinct?
Q9. What was the certified count (results), for for my precinct, for all races?
Q10. Can a canvass of the voters in my precinct be done? Am I allowed to obtain a voter list of who voted in the November 3, 2020 election for my precinct?
Q11. What restrictions are there for legal canvasses of my precinct?
Q12. Was there early in person voting in my precinct? Where? How many voters? Cut off date?
Q13. Can a citizen audit the Spoiled Ballot Affidavit for their precinct? How would one verify that proper voting occurred for these?
Q14. Are the E-scan machine tapes retained for my precinct? Where, and for how long? Can they be audited? What should they match to?
Q15. Can a citizen audit votes cast by ATI?How many were cast that way in my precinct?
Q16. Can the Voter Assistant Form for my precinct be audited? What should they match to? How does one ascertain that the ballot was cast and counted in E-scan?
Q17. Can the Inspector's Notes To Secretary for my precinct be audited? Are these retained 22 months for Federal elections?
Q18. Can the Provisional Ballots in my precinct be audited? How are they processed? When? By Whom? What is their Chain of Custody? Are they retained for 22 months+all related stuff?
Q19. Can the Cancellation Of Registration of Deceased Voter be audited for my precinct? What validation of next of kin is done, if any?
Q20. Does my precinct have more than 3000 ballots? What is so important about the 3000 precinct ballot limitation?
Q21. Can a citizen audit how many voters were processed who moved to a new residence in the county? What prevents a voter from voting at both precincts? Can this be audited?
Q22. Why are Watchers restricted to certain times at the precinct?
Q23. Can the ATI Session Log be audited? Is it retained and if so, how long? Can the Provisional ATI's be audited?
Q24. Can PVO Checklists and Affidavits be audited for my precinct?
Q25. What are "Emergency Ballot Box Ballots"? For when E-Scan goes down?
Q26. Can the detail and tally reports from poll closing be audited for my precinct?
Q27. Does OK have different passwords assigned to each pollworker/precinct? Who sets these passwords?
Q28. Are paper jams on E-Scan logged?
Q29. Can the "Zero Reports" for my precinct be audited?
I'm considering a trip down to my County Election Board to answer my questions. Thought I might post them here, too, to see if any care to opine about them.
I live in Oklahoma. Those are great questions!
I'm thinking that if a citizen can audit just their own precinct, it will be of a suitable size/cost for one citizen (or maybe a few) to do it "beyond reproach". Perhaps later, the precinct audits could feed into the OK Legislature for further action.