posted ago by Tewdryg ago by Tewdryg +238 / -0

"As in any war, there are always traitors who bow to the enemy, in return for power and money. In our government, media and health organizations, many have opened their pockets wide to receive the millions, and even billions of dollars in exchange for their betrayal. The evidence for global bribery is here:

The president of Belarus openly declared that he was offered $940 million, if he would do a lockdown, enforce quarantine, mandate face masks, etc.

Nigeria revealed how Bill Gates offered tens of millions of dollars to their president to cooperate with him. Italian politician Sara Cunial confronted the Italian parliament with their acceptance of money to play the games of the Deep State."


As in any war, and this is the war of ALL wars, we must fight for our lives, families, and future generations. We must fight to our very last breath. Make no mistake, we are at war. This is indeed WWIII.