Isn't Zuckerberg a Rothschild, too? I think the story was put together to make Facebook seem as an organic thing created by a genius boy, like Gates and Microsoft.
The black-eyed kids has always terrified me as in my culture we associate them with Demon's outsprints. The most common belief in my culture is that they are a mix of human and demons that occurs when a woman is offer in sexual ritual to Satan or any other low level demon. I have avoided to see and seek anything related to that since I was 14 y/o as some of my family members dealt with witchcraft in past generations and I unfortunately inherited some kind of "sensitivity" in which I can feel things that others cannot. Reason why I'm a devoted Christian and reject anything that has to do with supernatural and witchcrafting. It's terrifying.
Isn't Zuckerberg a Rothschild, too? I think the story was put together to make Facebook seem as an organic thing created by a genius boy, like Gates and Microsoft.
The black-eyed kids has always terrified me as in my culture we associate them with Demon's outsprints. The most common belief in my culture is that they are a mix of human and demons that occurs when a woman is offer in sexual ritual to Satan or any other low level demon. I have avoided to see and seek anything related to that since I was 14 y/o as some of my family members dealt with witchcraft in past generations and I unfortunately inherited some kind of "sensitivity" in which I can feel things that others cannot. Reason why I'm a devoted Christian and reject anything that has to do with supernatural and witchcrafting. It's terrifying.