Just think logically and look at the facts. Look at how happily he smiled when he was booed for mentioning the vaccine at a rally. What a weight off his chest to know we where smart enough to not follow those words blindly, what a terrible burden that choice must have been.
We know the man is a sun tzu level strategist, yet we constantly make the mistake of looking at his plain words at face value. The enemies number ONE power is propaganda, and they have overheated that weapon for years focusing on making the word Trump mean evil. Him coming out blatantly against the vaccines would be akin to supercharging the enemies strongest weapon against us.
Think of the headlines. Think of all the normies that where starting to see the light that would shut right down as soon as their programming kicked in when they heard that the evil Trump hated their lifesaving vaccines.
Absolutely, unequivocally, no! The data is overwhelming, and even if they where safe, they would be akin to brain surgery to cure a headache
Never take this risk. We know they destroy your immune system, that we have seen repeatedly from blood panels done on people before and after vaccination.
What we dont know is how permanent this destruction is. If it's as bad as we fear, we are going to see a massive wave of death this winter. We JUST saw a wave of respiratory sickness IN THE SUMMER! That should clue you into how terrible this is going to be, this will wakeup the nation.
Just think logically and look at the facts. Look at how happily he smiled when he was booed for mentioning the vaccine at a rally. What a weight off his chest to know we where smart enough to not follow those words blindly, what a terrible burden that choice must have been.
We know the man is a sun tzu level strategist, yet we constantly make the mistake of looking at his plain words at face value. The enemies number ONE power is propaganda, and they have overheated that weapon for years focusing on making the word Trump mean evil. Him coming out blatantly against the vaccines would be akin to supercharging the enemies strongest weapon against us.
Think of the headlines. Think of all the normies that where starting to see the light that would shut right down as soon as their programming kicked in when they heard that the evil Trump hated their lifesaving vaccines.
great reply thank you!
No problem, I have spent a lot of brain power working this issue out, so I get a little worked up when I get to share. Haha.
i am just trying to figure out if the vaccines are truly safe or not
Absolutely, unequivocally, no! The data is overwhelming, and even if they where safe, they would be akin to brain surgery to cure a headache
Never take this risk. We know they destroy your immune system, that we have seen repeatedly from blood panels done on people before and after vaccination.
What we dont know is how permanent this destruction is. If it's as bad as we fear, we are going to see a massive wave of death this winter. We JUST saw a wave of respiratory sickness IN THE SUMMER! That should clue you into how terrible this is going to be, this will wakeup the nation.
The vaccines are not safe.