I don't think there should be wealth limits, but there should be extreme and very harsh laws against bribery and lobbying. Any and all forms of bribery should have extremely dire consequences for the wealthy. This should reach to the point that if you as a wealthy individual are convicted of bribery or lobbying, your wealth is immediately taken and given to charity or some other form of distribution that benefits mankind. The whole reason the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have been able to garner the Trillions they have is bribery and lobbying...plain and simple. One shouldn't be able to use one's money to buy influence and coercion. This includes loaning money with interest...another practice that should be outlawed!
See, this guy at least engaged in conversation and offered a counter solution instead of attacking me and calling me a communist. For fucks sake. I've been on this forum a long time and never dealt with such close minded garbage before.
Thank you Hawk, you're a far better pede than that CQFEFE jerk.
Anyway, I think your solution is close minded a bit. Think about the power that that much wealth brings, you think any laws are going to last long against that? I really think we cant let it accumulate in the first place. Is 50 million really not enough? You tell me a number, how much does ONE individual need?
Maybe you are correct. Honestly at the heart of the issue is the sinfulness of man and his overwhelming love of money and ultimately power. The robber barons of the turn of century before last were a perfect example why our Constitution, the free enterprise system it allows and the freedom it was supposed to protect is only equitable for a righteous and moral people. Freedom, given to people like Amstel Rothschild, David Rockefeller, etc. will only lead to exploitation and death of others. These people are wicked to the core...they were wicked before they earned one cent off the backs of others. I hint at "The Synagogue of satan" Jesus spoke of when he was speaking to the religious leaders of His day.
I think it's also a bloodline issue as well. "If" God allows us to overcome the evil we have, in many cases, encouraged...if we defeat the NWO, provisions through education need to be put in place to guard against people like Bill Gates, the Clintons, etc. ever getting or maintaining power and wealth through the political and law making machine. Our Founders were wise and well schooled in government, but either by ignorance or by design (I think the latter), several important issues were left out of our Constitution. For instance, Term Limits! Why was this not added? The Constitution should have language that would dissuade individuals from wanting to run for office for any other reason except a genuine desire to serve our Country and make her a better, more Godly place to live.
Sorry, I am rambling, but my mind suddenly kicked into gear...and I will finish my rant with this very controversial and some would say unAmerican statement. It is my well researched opinion that we are where we are here (on the brink of destruction with the most tyrannical government the world has ever seen)...we are here, NOT in spite of the Constitution...but BECAUSE of our Constitution. Read the Articles of Confederation and the Anti-Federalist Papers and you will understand the truth of my statement. I'm not in favor of replacing our Constitution, but it certainly needs some critical amendments added and taken away!
I don't think there should be wealth limits, but there should be extreme and very harsh laws against bribery and lobbying. Any and all forms of bribery should have extremely dire consequences for the wealthy. This should reach to the point that if you as a wealthy individual are convicted of bribery or lobbying, your wealth is immediately taken and given to charity or some other form of distribution that benefits mankind. The whole reason the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have been able to garner the Trillions they have is bribery and lobbying...plain and simple. One shouldn't be able to use one's money to buy influence and coercion. This includes loaning money with interest...another practice that should be outlawed!
Indeed, allow pure capitalism ....... minus the crony part that currently proceeds it as witnessed throughout much of the entirety of today's world.
See, this guy at least engaged in conversation and offered a counter solution instead of attacking me and calling me a communist. For fucks sake. I've been on this forum a long time and never dealt with such close minded garbage before.
Thank you Hawk, you're a far better pede than that CQFEFE jerk.
Anyway, I think your solution is close minded a bit. Think about the power that that much wealth brings, you think any laws are going to last long against that? I really think we cant let it accumulate in the first place. Is 50 million really not enough? You tell me a number, how much does ONE individual need?
Maybe you are correct. Honestly at the heart of the issue is the sinfulness of man and his overwhelming love of money and ultimately power. The robber barons of the turn of century before last were a perfect example why our Constitution, the free enterprise system it allows and the freedom it was supposed to protect is only equitable for a righteous and moral people. Freedom, given to people like Amstel Rothschild, David Rockefeller, etc. will only lead to exploitation and death of others. These people are wicked to the core...they were wicked before they earned one cent off the backs of others. I hint at "The Synagogue of satan" Jesus spoke of when he was speaking to the religious leaders of His day.
I think it's also a bloodline issue as well. "If" God allows us to overcome the evil we have, in many cases, encouraged...if we defeat the NWO, provisions through education need to be put in place to guard against people like Bill Gates, the Clintons, etc. ever getting or maintaining power and wealth through the political and law making machine. Our Founders were wise and well schooled in government, but either by ignorance or by design (I think the latter), several important issues were left out of our Constitution. For instance, Term Limits! Why was this not added? The Constitution should have language that would dissuade individuals from wanting to run for office for any other reason except a genuine desire to serve our Country and make her a better, more Godly place to live.
Sorry, I am rambling, but my mind suddenly kicked into gear...and I will finish my rant with this very controversial and some would say unAmerican statement. It is my well researched opinion that we are where we are here (on the brink of destruction with the most tyrannical government the world has ever seen)...we are here, NOT in spite of the Constitution...but BECAUSE of our Constitution. Read the Articles of Confederation and the Anti-Federalist Papers and you will understand the truth of my statement. I'm not in favor of replacing our Constitution, but it certainly needs some critical amendments added and taken away!