Enquiring minds want know. Where exactly does the authority of the govt. ordering/forcing/coercing people into having forced medical procedures imposed upon their bodies end?
When does the govt. get to use its new mandate authority to sterilize AIDS victims, and violent criminals- for "the greater good?"
Bash the MSM over the head with these types of questions. Force them to smell the stench of the dystopia they are helping to create.
"A Clockwork Orange."
Its been pointed out from somewhere--I can not recall where-- That there was a smallpox epidemic going on during Revolutary War. That all the signers of the Constitution were very well aware of the devatstation of what a epidemic can do to society. The signers STILL did not give powers to the federal government for a epidemic/pandemic clause.
The federal govt nor the state govt have no powers. They will claim public health and public good supercedes personal decision making. They are wrong. They are bluffing hoping that people will let yet another freedom (medical rights) be taken away for security. I ask security from what? A virus? It is insidious. Diabolical. All of it.