PRAYER WARRIORS: For a while now we have been doing an 8pm EASTERN prayer where each person that takes part prays for 1 min for each other and the world. This unity pray has brought huge results and helped lifted up many many people here. It has brought the power of prayer back into many of our lives. We have almost been training ourselves to wield the weapon of prayer. But now we are asking for each of you to go on the offensive. I am not talking the physical offense thru violence or brute force. I am talking about the spiritual offensive. We now take prayer directly to the "powers of darkness" themselves. We are asking each and every one of you at 8pm EDT daily, to stop what ever your doing, and go inside your mind and prayer to our Father in heaven, that he will cast out these powers of darkness once and for all. Pray that these powers will be destroyed once and for all. Its time we mount up on our spiritual nukes of prayer and unity and bring the weapon of prayer straight to the source of evil. I hope each and every one of u will join us. Together thru God and prayer WE WIN!!!
**8PM EASTERN DAILY FOR 1 MIN ** I would encourage each of you to set an alarm. It's far to easy to lose track of the time in our busy lives. Love all of you God bless
8pm Eastern
7pm central
6pm mountain
5pm western
Got my Alarm set! Let me know of any special prayer requests. My mom is also on this platform everyday. I’ll let her know!🙏❤️😎 God Bless!
I have a prayer request. We have been gather prayer warriors from here to a discord server. Well the server just got nuked. It had over 500 people. Spent 6 months building it up. But we have faith God will let us build it again somewhere else. We moved platforms and are building it up now. Please pray for us. Feel free to join if u like link should be posted within week. But prayers would for sure help. Thanks in advance. God bless much love
Oh, no! I had no idea that they did that! Jerks!
I hadn’t been on there in about 2-3 weeks. Why in the heck did they do that?
What was there excuse?
Of coarse I will pray for the new one to be up and running smoothly soon. God Bless!