Misconception about Q supporters
I was one of these people who thought your guys were full of it. Well, the Red October is beginning to make me think twice.
That being said, I need to address a possible misconception I may or may not have about Q supporters. I completely get, and agree with the fact that you want to explore all avenues of legal justice to bring the cabal down.
Folks over at TheDonald seem to be under the impression that Q supporters think bowing down to the Communists is "part of the plan" That's incorrect, right?
Furthest thing from the truth. Read the Devolution series by Patel Patriot. A lot of people who follow Q have found it to be the most plausible explanation for what’s going on. I’d also say to the crowd over at TheDonald, do you really think Trump left us high and dry? Do you really believe he didn’t know what was going to happen? He told us EXACTLY what was going to happen. He also told us something else. HE CAUGHT THEM ALL. It’ll take some time and it needs to be rolled out in a way that the normies can easily digest. He stopped a full out civil war from breaking out when they stole the election. It may not end the way we want it to, but it will end with us winning and he’s not lying when he says “The Best is Yet To Come”.