Misconception about Q supporters
I was one of these people who thought your guys were full of it. Well, the Red October is beginning to make me think twice.
That being said, I need to address a possible misconception I may or may not have about Q supporters. I completely get, and agree with the fact that you want to explore all avenues of legal justice to bring the cabal down.
Folks over at TheDonald seem to be under the impression that Q supporters think bowing down to the Communists is "part of the plan" That's incorrect, right?
Q supporters convene more rallies than anyone, worldwide. Also: the Cabal is NOT communist. They USE communism, socialism, fascism.
That's always struck me as part of the larger irony too. They're the world's worst crony capitalists... but they feel that socialism is useful for removing any threats to their ultimate ascendency over the rest of us cattle. Just as long as it's not enforced on them, works a right treat.
E.g.that Cocksucker Klaus Schwab from WEF - Can you see that demon giving even a single crumb off his plate to the 'common wealth' of all people? That's gonna be a Yeah Nah from him, dog.
If I were thinking out a strategy, and I were an amoral devil worshiper....the setup would look exactly as it does now. They are TRYING to set up the Antichrist's new world order. Erode morals. erode understanding of GOD, diminish JESUS, erode loyalty to family, erode family, erode loyalty to countrymen, erode pride in country, erode any notion of private property...but it always starts from a "care" lie.
They traffick children while running foundations called "Care for Children".
What's awesome is that GOD controls all prophetic events, and the NWO and antichrist are prophetic events.
I couldn't agree more.
The bit that my pea brain can never ever reconcile about all this is - why? As in, why do we need to have evil doers cause so much suffering to so many good people? And I mean this at the very core fundamental level... if God had this planned all along, what is in this suffering for us to learn?
Perhaps it's the concept of free will. The choice to do good or evil and when the hammer comes down, woe be unto the wicked. FAFO, basically, but on a theological level.
In the meantime, shit be getting real on the daily down here, Big Guy. We see you... and we holding the line.
I know a lot of good people that look straight at evil and can't see it for what it is. Addicted to the things of this world without realizing it, in some cases. Even in the Church. Real Christians that don't know but they're partaking in Satanic Hollywood crap.
I think that's why a small bit of this has dragged on a bit. Not to wake up lefties. It's exposure to EVERYONE. Not to say I think that's prolonged things much....just a bit.
They want tyranny with them at the top. Socialism is just a way to sell tyranny to idiots, and it's very effective.