You will get denied.
I recently met with a lawyer who specifically said not to submit a medical AND religious exemption.
Anyone who tells you differently is completely uninformed.
Religion is considered a “protected class” under the civil rights act. Medical stuff is not.
So what you need to do is write a religious exemption in your own words—one that is SINCERE.
Employers can reject your letter if they discover you copy&pasted from a template.
Please head this warning. My mother in law was rejected because she submitted a medical exemption before her religious exemption. She was fired.
If you are going for an exemption make it medical, due to allergic reactions to the vaccine components. Be prepared to describe specific dates/instances/details….have them written down, true or not. My cardiologist wouldn’t give me an exemption and I had heart surgery this year. My GP gave me one because I told him I’ve reacted to flu vax. Simple as that.
I work for a mega-corp hospital that pretty much owns the shithole city where I live, and medical exemptions aren't even considered. Only religious exemptions, and those are being scrutinized hard. They couldn't give less of a shit if you have severe allergies or heart problems or anything else. They seem to have the attitude that, if they murder you, they murder you. Of course, they worship St. Fauci and even invited him to speak at the associated university, so that's expected.
I'm sorry to hear that. The medical establishment is rapidly becoming an obvious enemy. My GP admitted he got the vax, only because the medical group which bought his practice was basically going to ruin him if he didn't - I could see the shame in his eyes - he signed a medical exemption for me and wife. My cardiologist, I'm sure got vaxxed and she wouldn't give me an exemption. My dentist carries a 9mm under his scrubs, tells everyone he's vaxxed, leaned in and whispered during my last visit "fuck no, I'm not putting that poison in me".
The issue here is that you work for the enemy, you are part of the system you are against. You can find another job, but you have no right to complain about it. You are enabling them. At least record your coworkers and give it Veritas.
When you said you had the reaction ..was it with the same healthcare agency , doctor ? If it was say 10 years ago or two year ago shouldn’t they have record of you getting the flu shot ? ..I never got a flue shot so kind of hard to say I ha a reaction just wondering how you pulled yours off
My doc was shamed. Afraid of losing his practice as he sold out. I’ve never had a reaction. He took my word for it.
I brought in pre-filled paperwork and asked him to sign. Then again, maybe the P228 on my hip had something to do with it…
I love it , good for you dr is a vaccine pushing addict , she’d never go for it and I never had a flu shot with her Kaiser ..but I could say that’s why ..because years ago I almost died when I had (sharp Ins ) or I got a free flu shot some where
Maybe find a new Dr?