Local "uncensored" Facebook group that naturally pulls center-right. Oh sure the usual unhinged progressive spew here and there. But anytime someone posts anything about the government, the COOF, the Vax, masks, there are the known few that rush to their NPR links, VOX, CNN, etc. to defend what the government is doing WRONG in many eyes. Is it narcissism ? I just can't see defending big govt and big pharma over the people's voice.
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I'm guilty of over-defending evil people and actions, or at least I had been guilty of doing that. The reason is simple: it's because my initial assumption is that people are good and are working in good faith, and that when they do evil actions it's because they are making a mistake, they don't understand what they're doing. It was a lot of cognitive dissonance to break through that bias, and recognize the fact that the people behind this are just flat-out evil and truly don't care about their fellow man. Once a person realizes that, everything becomes clearer and they defend a lot less.
I still believe that there's a chain: the evil ones at the top generally pretend to be good specifically to get others to carry out their objectives. But they lie. The foot soldiers at the bottom often are just dupes with varying degrees of caring. They carry out the orders because they've outsourced either their intellect or their morals to some superficial authority that has tricked them.
That said, for me the time for justifying their actions is long past. Those who are innocently blind are fewer and fewer each day, gradually being flushed out into camps of the willfully blind, admittedly evil, or the newly awakened. It's important to help them wake up, whenever and wherever possible. Keep challenging them with facts they cannot deny.