Devolution is the statutory delegation of powers from the central government of a sovereign state (Wash D.C.), to govern at a subnational level (50 States), or as a regional or even local level. It is a form of administrative decentralization from Federal Gov to State Gov.
Now if Trump implemented this process FEMA/Military leaders of designated areas would be placed to ensure the process of Government. This is to ensure that our day to day lives do not fall apart. Devolution would need to have a military code it is based upon and to follow. Possibly the Law of War Manual (11.3)?
What did Trump tell us today? that true insurrection happened (11.3)
I do not like to put out dates or timeframes, but 1/20/22 is when the application of the GC shall cease rendering the closing of Mil Operations (Trump & WH’s)? 👀
Let’s see what happens. 🇺🇸
@Qtah_17 DoD Manual:
GC is NWO-constructed regulation, why would the Q team follow that?