In the context of the telegram post, the 1.8% works but on its own it does skew the result, however I recently posted English teenagers discussing the dangers and a rapper going round to schools saying don't be forced into it. The counter-message, of the dangers, is only available to these teenagers on alternative media especially social media. That's down to boards like this, to activists like the rapper.
But yeah, it does give the impression that 1.8% of all ages got vaccinated. Mea culpa.
In the context of the telegram post, the 1.8% works but on its own it does skew the result, however I recently posted English teenagers discussing the dangers and a rapper going round to schools saying don't be forced into it. The counter-message, of the dangers, is only available to these teenagers on alternative media especially social media. That's down to boards like this, to activists like the rapper. But yeah, it does give the impression that 1.8% of all ages got vaccinated. Mea culpa.