nutrients are in food tho toxic supplements are heat or chemically extracted. lookup the difference between real vitamin c like you would get in nature from an orange and what they call vitamin c its like jagged edges that cut up your cells people who push that have no idea that whey are talking about when it comes to health... lookup vitamin e production Kodak sold vitamin e which was really film development fluid and still does becasue they found the chemical similarity between vitamin e and film development fluid was like 85% similar so they could do it. most supplements if not all supplements these days are made in a similar way. supplements are not bio available and poison you causing adrenal spikes which give people the illusion of being boosted with energy similar to how toxic ciggarette smoke stimulates the body with an adrenal response when the toxins enter the blood stream and the body must instantly neutralize them which gives as boost in energy that is not health giving at all.
nutrients are in food tho toxic supplements are heat or chemically extracted. lookup the difference between real vitamin c like you would get in nature from an orange and what they call vitamin c its like jagged edges that cut up your cells people who push that have no idea that whey are talking about when it comes to health... lookup vitamin e production Kodak sold vitamin e which was really film development fluid and still does becasue they found the chemical similarity between vitamin e and film development fluid was like 85% similar so they could do it. most supplements if not all supplements these days are made in a similar way. supplements are not bio available and poison you causing adrenal spikes which give people the illusion of being boosted with energy similar to how toxic ciggarette smoke stimulates the body with an adrenal response when the toxins enter the blood stream and the body must instantly neutralize them which gives as boost in energy that is not health giving at all.