posted ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists +12 / -0

What we are seeing is evil and therefore many people are supporting evil. How did we get here? Most are, or were well intentioned.

My explanation: To become an evil supporter, it's not the evil acts that hook you to them. They become supporters of the leader or party before they went bad. What made people Democrat supporters for life? Being on the pro gay marriage side. Seeing Bush invade Iraq and lie about WMDs. Watching the first black president's acceptance speech. Coming on the leftist side of issues like climate change, abortion, welfare, healthcare, guns, side, ones that while we disagree with, those are valid disagreements we can have in a sane country.

Once you become a Democrat supporter for all these acceptable, sane reasons, all you have to do is follow their lead from that point when they start flipping the switch towards increasing levels of division, hate, and totalitarianism. You just have to ignore those articles about Trayvon or Michael Brown that would have made the case for the other side, and instead let them emotionally race bait you. They tell you to think men can become a woman and you do. Dance monkey dance.

You could argue this is how you end up with Hitler, Mao, Lenin/Stalin, etc. The followers bought in when the message was positive, then stayed.

Yes, this is in its own way evil. Following can be one of the most despicable things you can do. But on the other hand, it's also encouraging because now that the mask is ripped off them I would guess that the way the Democrats and the cathedral is acting now may not be creating many new supporters. You don't convince someone to be a hardcore Democrat stan by ushering in totalitarianism, getting up and there gaslighting them every day like Biden and running the country into the ground, you can only hope to hold onto the old ones. It's like a band when they start releasing crap albums, those aren't the ones that are going to increase their fanbase. They would be better off playing their greatest hits.