Cutting to the chase: Does anyone have any scientific study on the duration of natural immunity?
Long story: My NYC private school employer has stated that the Archdiocese requires proof of Covid shots or weekly testing showing negative results. I'm not jabbed and had Covid in August. I am refusing weekly testing for a number of reasons: . I don't want my nasal cavity probed every 7 days . I have natural immunity . "Vaxxed" people can spread the virus too so if I should be tested they should be tested.
I told my employers and they recommended I write the Arch, which I did. I informed my employer that, until I get a reply supporting their request with scientific backing, I will not be complying with their demands. They are ok with this!
It's been 4 days, no response from the Arch.
I also want to take this time to thank you all for being so informative. I would not have resisted this far without you!
Look up the data for the first SARS virus and how people are still immune from that, and the Spanish Flu and how people had immunity that lasted 80 or so years.
I would look it up for you but I actually just woke and need to get back to sleep