I remember being young around the time of bush, the rhinos and all warhawks seemed as though I felt pretty liberal at the time since I wanted the wars to stop and big tech censorship to end as well corporate kickbacks from the gov...etc
Was Obama the turning point that weaponized the liberal platform and convinced a bunch of seemingly moderate progressives who wanted a better world into politically correct tranny loving social credit virtue signaling deranged obsession with minorities and immigrants...etc
I can’t imagine being anything close to a libcuck now with all the blatant anti-American and just piss-tier values but I still feel like I would like to see education reform...etc
Do you reckon the libcucks will ever regain their hijacked platform and rid themselves of these bad actors similar to the way republicans are with the rhinos and deepstatecucks. Is that were the libertarian party has seemingly gained a lot of momentum?
Just curious.
Trump won 2020 WWG1WGA
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Their plan was to polaraize America. By swinging the political pendulum far to the right with Bush Jr. Then the pendulum swung even further left with Obama. It polarized both sides. Thats why the media tried to paint Trump as so far right to keep the gimmic up. Lefties fell for it. Those on the right did not.