Less than 10 actually KNOW what is happening and whether or not we are winning.
if you were in control of this system would you purposely kill off the sheep peddling your lies? No? Then understand the vax is about power, not murder.
Q has been and will remain incorrect on something: the lost is much higher than 4-6%.
If military is the only way, then expect a massive preoccupation to take effect very soon. Like a multinational kinetic war to ensure they can’t complete operation.
if dooming isn’t allowed here, then how do we (collectively) learn debate tactics. A devil’s advocate approach is often the best learning tool…
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Every country has the same DS problem; Every country has rigged systems; Every country has brainwashed people.
Maybe “enemies” wasn’t the best word for the point. I meant every country with a military had to have a military occupation for this to work. If not a full military occupation, then at least a force willing to secure the people (for the people) once the mightier militaries do the work.
I see your point, I just meant that a global military effort is needed for this global problem.