“No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a covid 19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on religious belief, or for medical reasons, including recovery from covid 19”.
My take is that the comma after personal conscience is an (or).
I read it as …”for any reason of personal conscience, or based on religious beliefs, or for medical reasons including recovery from…..”.
I wish, but that's an incorrect reading. Just as "including recovery from covid 19" is a dependant phrase that functions as a descriptor of "medical reasons," "based on religious belief" is a descriptor for "reason."
Just remember the vaccines were made with aborted fetal tissue and you're probably covered.
Note that "reason of personal conscience" is limited to religious objection. I would prefer that it say "personal objection for any reason".
“No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a covid 19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on religious belief, or for medical reasons, including recovery from covid 19”.
My take is that the comma after personal conscience is an (or).
I read it as …”for any reason of personal conscience, or based on religious beliefs, or for medical reasons including recovery from…..”.
I wish, but that's an incorrect reading. Just as "including recovery from covid 19" is a dependant phrase that functions as a descriptor of "medical reasons," "based on religious belief" is a descriptor for "reason."
Just remember the vaccines were made with aborted fetal tissue and you're probably covered.
All I can say is I am not taking the jab under any circumstances.