No.. how about you stop with your nonsense about what Q doesn't mean and how you 'could care less' ( it's COULDN'T CARE LESS ) and how you think it's 'NOTHING BUT A DISTRACTION'
I love how you constantly stalk my posts... LMFAO!!
Sorry if your mind can't grasp just what is going on here. Gruden has been fighting WOKENESS in the NFL for 20 years and he just got thrown under the bus for calling a gay a QUEER and for sharing topless photos of women.
No.. how about you stop with your nonsense about what Q doesn't mean and how you 'could care less' ( it's COULDN'T CARE LESS ) and how you think it's 'NOTHING BUT A DISTRACTION'
I love how you constantly stalk my posts... LMFAO!!
Sorry if your mind can't grasp just what is going on here. Gruden has been fighting WOKENESS in the NFL for 20 years and he just got thrown under the bus for calling a gay a QUEER and for sharing topless photos of women.
yeah.. total distraction..
kidding?? lol is this more of your passive aggressive shit?
It's obvious I am very serious.
you know.. I'm the OP on the submission and I get to tell you what THE TOPIC IS, not the other way around.
Gruden has been fighting wokeness in the NFL? He has the only gay NFL player on his team