I'm so doubtful that the sheeple will change their minds or wake-up to the wider conspiracy. I just get in shouting matches with my friends / family (ALL VAXXED) and they just say that I'm being fed misinfo or some bullshit logical fallacy. Even if people start dying from the vaccine they'll trust the MSM and think that it's the unvaccinated that are dying or the unvaccinated are causing the dying. I'm at a loss anons. I didn't think such intellectual darkness was possible.
I'm so doubtful that the sheeple will change their minds or wake-up to the wider conspiracy. I just get in shouting matches with my friends / family (ALL VAXXED) and they just say that I'm being fed misinfo or some bullshit logical fallacy. Even if people start dying from the vaccine they'll trust the MSM and think that it's the unvaccinated that are dying or the unvaccinated are causing the dying. I'm at a loss anons. I didn't think such intellectual darkness was possible.