I have been concerned for the past weeks as my delivery due date is getting closer. I know Polio can be letal for anybody, so I'm trap in a dilemma.
The current Polio Vax used in the States is the IPV (injectable) that contains MRC-5, while the more "ethical" OPV (oral) has long been discontinued.
I wouldn't want my baby to suffer due to polio in the future, however, the IPV (injectable) goes against my religious beliefs and is a clear catch from big pharma. They could have let the OPV one as an option, but they just wanted money.
Greedy bastards.
Any advices, alternatives?
My daughter is 29 , autism ! I watched it happen up front and personal. Do not vaxx your child , those vaccines cause everything from autism to peanut allergy's to other mild snd major diseases includingLyme disease ,, poor deers were blamed ,, I know a bed ridden girl with lime disease who never left the beach . She never saw a tick ! The vaxx give pediatricians snd big pharma life long patient/ clients ,, if you love your child do not vaxx , we are awake now there is no excuse ! I wasn't than ! Polio please don't let them frighten you or lie to you !