Yeah, but she is saying the right things and it would so cool to have her on our side if she were good. I know it probably isn't realistic but we can still hope.
And not realizing that leopards don't really change their spots is why politicians like McCain "build the damn wall" and Manchin "I'm not going to go with the Dems on thus one" keep getting reelected. But Tulsi is better looking so surely she would never lead you on saying the right things, would she?
She supports Keith Ellison to lead the DNC; giving 5 US states to backs for reparations; and is a top congressional leader pushing for radical gun confiscation. Plus she loves Iran.
She is one of the very worst of "them." Wolf in sheep clothes.
She is not one of them, but thinks like them. She hasn't gone through the initiation and hazing process. They don't have a compromising handle over her. They don't trust her because of this. She is however a student of CFR policy. She is a one worlder and open border advocate.
We gain very little from her ideological policies.
CFR and a Democrat.
how much more proof do you need? she's a trap
Yeah, but she is saying the right things and it would so cool to have her on our side if she were good. I know it probably isn't realistic but we can still hope.
And not realizing that leopards don't really change their spots is why politicians like McCain "build the damn wall" and Manchin "I'm not going to go with the Dems on thus one" keep getting reelected. But Tulsi is better looking so surely she would never lead you on saying the right things, would she?
I admit that is a part of my misplaced hope that she could be one of us. With some exceptions, Democrats don't care about their appearance.
Tulsi in a nutshell.
But would it not be cool to have an attractive, young, smart Lt Col. On our side?
Carry on and knock off this crap.
Only if she also was a conservative. She may be in the service, that doesn't mean pro 2A.
Facts not fantasy/hopium pede.
Get a grip dude.
She was a young global leader picked by the world economic forum, I can’t trust her
I think you're right, fren.
Too bad.
She supports Keith Ellison to lead the DNC; giving 5 US states to backs for reparations; and is a top congressional leader pushing for radical gun confiscation. Plus she loves Iran.
She is one of the very worst of "them." Wolf in sheep clothes.
Keith Ellison is pure evil.
Yes he is. And he was only a few votes short of becoming the leader of the DNC back around 2017-18.
She is not one of them, but thinks like them. She hasn't gone through the initiation and hazing process. They don't have a compromising handle over her. They don't trust her because of this. She is however a student of CFR policy. She is a one worlder and open border advocate.
We gain very little from her ideological policies.
She's anti 2A. Never Tulsi. Never.