So I ordered Ivermectin and HCQ from India. The price is crushingly expensive here in the states for Ivermectin now. For a man of my "magnitude" it costs $200 for about 10 weeks of preventative pills. This place in India sold me 100 12mg pills of Ivermectin (enough for 100 weeks use) and 90 200mg of HCQ for $160 all in. Took close to 4 weeks but the stuff is all legit and sealed and labeled. Guy also has Z packs and some other stuff that's useful. If you're trying to do preventative or want some on hand for an emergency check him out.
I live in King Phil's land (NJ) and the chain Pharmacies here literally stopped buying Ivermectin so you can't get it filled even if you have a script. Mother F*****'s are trying to kill people. I was stuck getting stuff from a place an hour away from my house and paying out the ass for it. No longer...
An even better site with an easy to pay service. Other sites needed you to transfer funds or use Bitcoin. Thanks
Sure man glad to help in any way. He takes Paypal and dude actually texted me a couple of days back to make sure I got my package. Went back and forth with him a bit solid guy he ended it with God keep you safe so he's good in my book!