My brother and two closest friends (i was best man at both of their weddings) are thinking about caving. Two work at Boeing, one at another major global corp. All three are quickly reacting that they’re going to have to pick their poison. I understand as I faced the same until today.. I accepted a position with a small business making the same as I was at My prior employer.
So outside of encouraging them to hold out and look for jobs it’s scares me that there are truly way more hold outs abandoning ship than expected.
Anyone else hearing the same from friends/family as more bit corp is jumping on board for this BS tyranny. Any advice? At the end of the day I’ll respect all three for doing what they have to do take care of their families.. but I’m devastated how quickly they are assuming they’re just going to have to go ahead and get the jabs.
My college age niece is Covid recovered and is so pressured to get the jab she’s giving in. She’s just too young to understand what is going on.