I'm sure there are more detailed reports, this is just a quick search
2016 https://thenewamerican.com/un-linked-elections-monitors-to-oversee-u-s-election/
I'm sure there are more detailed reports, this is just a quick search
2016 https://thenewamerican.com/un-linked-elections-monitors-to-oversee-u-s-election/
Have been going down lots of rabbit holes with the UN...found out they have had a local presence in over 600 US cities on local zoning boards...due to climate change and wanting us to protect land/urbanization.
They also have the desire to push oversight for the world's seas with changes to maritime law where they want to be in charge of all coastal waters....never knew and its been going on for many decades!
They have been slithering in like Soros to disrupt and destroy......get them out now!!!
Here's some info on maritime law https://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Legal/Pages/UnitedNationsConventionOnTheLawOfTheSea.aspx
Here's some info on UN in our cities...I despise their word. Settlements....h no! https://unhabitat.org/un-habitat-launches-the-world-cities-report-2016