Friend of ours went and got herself,husband and 3 kids vaccinated. All 5 are having issues theyve never had a day in thier lives.
Theyre at the hospital now with one child.blood pressure through the roof with no explanation. Never had anxiety or panic attacks,he does now.a whole bunch of issues.
My girl asks her everytime she mentions it,"dont you think the vaccine had anything to do with it?" She keeps flatout denying it or changes subjects and says "you should get vaxxed as well". ARE YOU FUCK8N SERIOUS?
But fakebook and cnn say its perfectly safe.
Understand that books have been written on this one fact..."Liberalism is a severe mental disorder." Add this issue to the fact that the strongest force on this planet is the ego of man. Nothing can change a man's ego, but for the power of the Holy Spirit. I have seen the Holy Spirit utterly break the will and ego via the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I saw it happen to someone I never thought could possible own Father.
I used to argue about all kinds of stuff with other students when I was in college. Over the years I just grew tired of trying to prove truth to others. It was always so difficult trying to convice people about information that I thought was so obvious and straight forward. One of the most incredible examples of the results of the brain damage (dead spirit), is discussing with liberals the horror of abortion. I am always amazed at how a human being can become so degenerate in their thinking a liberal who would literally strap their ass to a tree and risk their freedom or life for bambie or the spotted owl...this same individual is completely ok and supports the outright murder of unborn babies. These are the most innocent of their OWN DAMN SPECIES!
However, eventually I stopped arguing with people. It's a waste of time and counter productive. It's better to just listen to the other persons viewpoint calmly and attentively and then make sure you state your case in the same manner...calmly and thoughtfully. Whatever happens...make sure you respond because the human subconscious mind...even the liberal a most sophisticated data collection and storage device. Whatever you say to your liberal friend, they can try and ignore you, they can refuse to pay attention, they can get worked up and throw a temper tantrum. But the one thing they cannot do is stop the information from entering into their subconscious mind. The issue is their ego will prohibit them from allowing that information from making sense and changing their way of looking at least when they are standing in front of you in all their insecure glory.
At 2 or 3 in the morning, they have no ego. They lay there in their bed at night alone! It's just them and their Creator...and that's when the Holy Spirit can cause their subconscious to recall the points you shared with them over lunch the day's at this kind of time that God can work on them and repair the damage this evil world has wreaked on their minds.
Never hold back from sharing your Truth with a liberal...
This person sees my posts on fakebook. But cuz fb says its false,you know the rest