So i was thinking.....(a dangerous passtime, i know)...
Through history, whenever purges of populations happen, particularly for political reasons, isnt it usually the intellectuals, artists, leaders of oppositions, and their hangers on that are purged?
I keep seeing posts assuming that its the sheep that will die off. Sure from a population control standpoint that makes sense, but not from a control standpoint.
You would think they would want to be rid of us.
That said we are being marginalized, restricted, and pushed out of society, but not purged. We will likely set up a parallel economy wherever people are restricted, thatll likely happen organically.
Does anyone have thoughts on this, especially as it relates to historical population purges?
Im trying to mentally and physically prepare for possible future scenarios in order to protect my family.
We will be harder to control though no? Not to say its impossible and they probably have a plan, if this is true, but still? Are you going to just go along with the NWO?
I am preparing, and starting to, in my way.
Sad, but true...
I have family and friends in heaven, not to mention our Lord, no I will not submit , never , I’m not afraid to die !