King james is an excellent translation. It is beautiful but kinda dated, the meanings of some of the old english words have even changed, so you have to research it when getting technical. It is not perfect but lines up very well with the oldest hebrew scrolls and the Septuagint. I think God was able to use sinful men to fulfill his will like always. There were only a couple outlaws who had managed partial translations at the time. The catholic church had kept all the holy scriptures in Latin, which only the priests understood. They were burning ppl alive for trying to translate it.
King james is an excellent translation. It is beautiful but kinda dated, the meanings of some of the old english words have even changed, so you have to research it when getting technical. It is not perfect but lines up very well with the oldest hebrew scrolls and the Septuagint. I think God was able to use sinful men to fulfill his will like always. There were only a couple outlaws who had managed partial translations at the time. The catholic church had kept all the holy scriptures in Latin, which only the priests understood. They were burning ppl alive for trying to translate it.