Basically, the virus has not been isolated. This means that we have no proof of a virus existing at all, let alone one as deadly as they all claim Covid-19 is. The second part, "before vaccine rollout", is essentially postulating that the "virus" exists within the vaccines themselves. Since the PCR test does not detect Covid-19, why are we in the position we are in now?
What do you mean by :
Basically, the virus has not been isolated. This means that we have no proof of a virus existing at all, let alone one as deadly as they all claim Covid-19 is. The second part, "before vaccine rollout", is essentially postulating that the "virus" exists within the vaccines themselves. Since the PCR test does not detect Covid-19, why are we in the position we are in now?
But you can order virus samples from the CDC?
The virus has been gene sequenced?,name:Sequence,display_name:Sequence,id:STD649220238,annots:Sequence,ShowLabel:false,ColorGaps:false,shown:true,order:1%5D%5Bkey:gene_model_track,name:Genes,display_name:Genes,id:STD3194982005,annots:Unnamed,Options:ShowAllButGenes,CDSProductFeats:true,NtRuler:true,AaRuler:true,HighlightMode:2,ShowLabel:true,shown:true,order:9%5D&v=1:29903&c=null&select=null&slim=0
In fact it's been sequenced over a million times?
A few things:
The CDC has confirmed on several occasions that a Sars-cov-v2 that causes Covid-19 has not been isolated
Gene sequencing was submitted over 1.2 million times on a form of coronavirus (just like what was done for calibration of the PCR test)
GISAID is funded by the EU and CDC, and has an advisory council filled with individuals from the World Health Organization
On the top of the CDC virus culturing page they state:
They also published a journal article on the isolation and characterization of the virus:
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States