Pedes, This journey is long and arduous. I've felt pretty isolated, alone, and stressed about what's going on in the world. It's gotten to a point where I can't have a healthy relationship with my girlfriend of 3 years. She's not fully awake, but she isn't a complete npc either.
How do you keep yourself positive through all this, and how do you clean yourself of this negativity? The last thing I want is to bring this stress and negativity onto the people I care about.
bring more Bible into BOTH of your lives. start reading it to each other, together. also pray together.
It's about a personal relationship with The Lord, that is it, nothing more He already did the hard work. P.S. I'm a sinner and a weirdo too. Thank The Lord for He was Perfect and I am not...
I love reading your path to God! Just curious, do you believe Christ is the correct and possibly only path to God or just the best option that fits you?
I believe the only way is through Christ's sacrifice, but I'm not 100% sold that those who do not outright reject Christ can't come to the Father without saying the magic prayer they teach in Sunday school.
I thoroughly enjoyed this and will give Be Here Now a look.
I think Chrisr is literally the way because of his sacrifice, your conscious acceptance of that has great value, but I think there's room to argue that he died for everyone's sins, period, regardless of if they accept it or not. I have never heard the concept you put forth in this way before so it's very interesting. I used to listen to Scott Adam's religiously but he hasn't been so insightful since Jan 6 and that's a shame, but he talks about religion being about mental health and Jesus was a master persuader. I think there is room to consider these lines of thinking even as I believe more traditionally for myself that Christ is the only way I follow and believe and that he is an active, literal savior.
if you are delving into the Bible daily, then you are taking steps to walk in the Spirit of Christ, and not the spirit of the flesh. this will only draw you further from satan and closer to God as you walk through life.