Crash it. I will harvest wild hogs for protein. Weve got hundreds of thousands of these non FDA stamped pigs running all over our state. We wil barter. We might do a little robin hood stuff too. Eat shit homo pedo Rino fag child murdering commies!
The meat is good. Its not like domestic pork. Its not like beef. It is not gamey. It is just a different taste and dependent on what the beasts r eating. I have butchered 3 and the meat looks and smells good raw. They r smart so u gotta be patient to shoot em. I tried trapping them and no luck they wont go in a large diameter hog panel trap.
Crash it. I will harvest wild hogs for protein. Weve got hundreds of thousands of these non FDA stamped pigs running all over our state. We wil barter. We might do a little robin hood stuff too. Eat shit homo pedo Rino fag child murdering commies!
My son's coworker gave him some wild boar that was made into hamburger. I used it for spaghetti and it was the best meat I have ever tasted.
The meat is good. Its not like domestic pork. Its not like beef. It is not gamey. It is just a different taste and dependent on what the beasts r eating. I have butchered 3 and the meat looks and smells good raw. They r smart so u gotta be patient to shoot em. I tried trapping them and no luck they wont go in a large diameter hog panel trap.