Don't fall for the jew narrative. They used their media to talk shit about Hitler because he didn't allow them to take advantage of the German people anymore, and they used the armed forces in several countries to take Germany out, including the US, Britain, France, and communist Russia. They bombed civilians in cities, burning them alive with incendiary bombs. The worst atrocities have been committed by the jews, either personally or through others they control.
Hitler was a patriot. The people saluting in that picture were not forced, or brainwashed. They really loved and thanked him for what he did. Fauci is a motherfucker. He is under jew control, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has some type of jew ancestry, or if he is a freemason.
I can't begrudge anyone for their ancestry, though choosing to actively join with satanic principles or deception for personal gain is something that we must keep fighting against with truth so that we can all be elevated & determone what other truth has been hidden from us by our governments.
Don't fall for the jew narrative. They used their media to talk shit about Hitler because he didn't allow them to take advantage of the German people anymore, and they used the armed forces in several countries to take Germany out, including the US, Britain, France, and communist Russia. They bombed civilians in cities, burning them alive with incendiary bombs. The worst atrocities have been committed by the jews, either personally or through others they control.
Hitler was a patriot. The people saluting in that picture were not forced, or brainwashed. They really loved and thanked him for what he did. Fauci is a motherfucker. He is under jew control, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has some type of jew ancestry, or if he is a freemason.
I can't begrudge anyone for their ancestry, though choosing to actively join with satanic principles or deception for personal gain is something that we must keep fighting against with truth so that we can all be elevated & determone what other truth has been hidden from us by our governments.