HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Praying for you & I am so sorry this is happening. It is horrible to have someone betray you on this kind of a level. May God be with you & bring you amazing growth on this journey in your life.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder if specific groups/areas were targeted? The hospital I am familiar with has had a decrease in their patients. Granted another one has been built within 8-10 miles that handles lots of the north side population, though I have a hard time believing it has taken as much of the load the hospital formerly had. Maybe it did?

I figured all hospitals would have higher numbers of patients during these years.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like an amazing wife & I am glad you are blessed to have her in your life.

My wife's family certainly has some love nudges thrown out from time to time.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Neal McDonough? I have enjoyed him as an actor & love that he held to his ethics in the industry.

edit - He primarily plays villains because he never wanted his kids to see him kissing anyone but his mother.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jealousy is a terrible master. Sounds like you handled their's well.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I finally left, they were offering managers double to triple their salary to stay on because everyone was bouncing to work as leadership for competitors that were popping up and paying way more.

It sucks when you work for a company that doesn't look for excellence. Granted when economies are down, it is hard to take risks on growth. Knowing the economy will eventually rebound, many owners just ride out the bad times & do their best to keep afloat until they can give better incentives for chance.

That said, too many get afraid & don't find ways to appreciate their best employees for little to no added monetary cost during those hard time. If they would, it helps with the morale & loyalty.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

It drove me crazy in my last corporate gig. Almost all of us managers were clearly ADHD, along with the CEO. Their CFO (sibling) was so firmly fixed in the normie realm that he hated meetings with their Brother (CEO) and all of us managers. He did keep most of the teams from running with poorly through out ideas. Though our teams were always excited because almost all of the the managers were filled with high energy & accepted new ideas as real potentials for growth & productivity. Many of the ideas were reasoned out withing two to three days, though I haven't worked anywhere that employees felt so valued for their opinions. Unfortunately there were some issues with upper level managers feeling like the rest of us threatened their position & almost all of us left within 6 year of the first taking off. Sadly the company went under after that. My former team told me they all left because it wasn't fun after I left & that the new boss only cared about numbers.

It amazed me how much more the younger millenials (toward the end of that generation) were in some form of a chicken little mindset, or worried about what others thought vs the guys my age & older who didn't care about potential problems so much as long as the work got done.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for that description. I worked one on one with a few kids with this condition. They all told me I was way too concerned about how they & others felt (though I could tell they did appreciate it). Trying to help them understand the emotional cues that I just picked up on naturally was like digging granite with a plastic spoon. My suggestion of them asking the listeners if they wanted to hear more after they spoke each minute really helped a lot & when they started asking, does that make sense or am I off somewhere, that really helped even more because normies would feel more engaged in the conversation & could direct the information that was coming their way from a human supercomputer.

Thanks for helping me understand those kids better.

edit - Should have mentioned that the kids I worked with did want to read those emotions & generally seemed frustrated with the process. One didn't care if they learned or not.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the best gigs I had was running a restaurant. The owner ended up hospitalized for two months & he gave me control of everything so he didn't lose his shirt. Those were the best two months of my life up until that point careerwise. He came back & was amazed that profits were up 20% & just couldn't accept that free internet with an hour time limit was the reason it happened.

Granted all the employees though I was so impulsive that they would all be fired before their brother/cousin/mission buddy came back. I am so glad he and I were friends before he hired me. I also told him when I was hired to give me an offer because he didn't think he could afford me. I had just sold another small company & it was going to take care of me for at least a year or more. He told me minimum wage & I laughed telling him he had a deal as long as my bills didn't go up. I just wanted to see the place I have been eating 1-3 times per week for the past 10+ years stick around. I am probably the lowest paid manager ever in history. He was just a young guy who wanted to try his hand at business. The crazy of being in the deep end of that company unexpectedly was amazing. After he came back, we planned out marketing & some upgrades that gave him more than a 50% revenue increase from the previous year & he sold it quickly after.

The times where I have succeeded have always been riddled with chaos. I wish I would have seen his suggestions earlier in my life. I have done well enough for myself, though I don't think I would have failed so much on my trip had i considered some of the stable income careers they suggested while I worked on finding where I would really thrive.

For any younger ADHD frogs here, this post gave some fantastic advice.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a hard time believing Kamala will be 47 with this Old Testament time prophecy out there. The link below is my comment on it & I would suggest reading the 12th chapter too.


edit - After reading chapter 12 again, Kamala might take it (or just appear like they will), though it will be a tumultuous time. Granted, God states that 3 kings are the three heads. I wonder who those will be, or if those are some of the top leaders of the 3 branches of government?

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for that image. Great info.

I am thinking Kamala won't be allowed dto take the presidential seat. One of the 3 branches of government will prevent it if my understanding of an Old Testament time prophecy is even remotely close.

Link below to my full comment & the sauce. On a side note, the 12 chapter is pretty good.


HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

It could be that Biden is dead, or dying. Continuity is Kamal taking over IMO after reading through Esdras again.

My comment below gives more info & a link with sauce. The 12th book/chapter is also interesting.


HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the three heads (branches?) of government wake up & remove both her & the VP picked.

Link below to my full comment & thought on this with source. https://greatawakening.win/p/17teXGd9SS/x/c/4ZCcRokmqlU

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am convinced that we are living in the the exact time that this Old Testament time prophecy given through Ezra (Esdras) in the 2nd books of Esdras Chapters 11 & 12


In 26-27 it seems that Trump was removed from office outside of the normalcy of elections (ie JFK Assassination & Nixon Whitewater resignation) Trump was elected via election fraud. Many who studied & believed this prophecy stopped believing it when Trump "lost" the election because they were expecting something to happen like it did before with Nixon & JFK. Next Biden won't last as long as Trump did before being removed.

26 As I kept looking, one was set up but suddenly disappeared; 27 a second also, and this disappeared more quickly than the first.

I believe we are now witnessing 28 forward, where Kamala & someone else is actively planning to lead the country, though one of the heads has woken up (maybe congress is that middle head, or maybe it is military/executive). If congress is the middle head, then we may be seeing that the executive branch & judicial branch will align with them. The two who step up to rule (Kamala & someone else) will be removed by this head (congress does not approve, or maybe military steps in). Verse 32 is very interesting, and I wonder if it is military or congress that oppressed the entire globe more than any president before has?

28 While I continued to look, the two that remained were planning between themselves to reign together; 29 and while they were planning, one of the heads at rest (the one that was in the middle) suddenly awoke; it was greater than the other two heads. 30 And I saw how it allied the two heads with itself 31 and how the head turned with those that were with it and devoured the two little wings[f] that were planning to reign. 32 Moreover, this head gained control of the whole earth and with much oppression dominated its inhabitants; it had greater power over the world than all the wings that had gone before.

The verses below (33-35) are interesting, which suddenly dissapears? Congress, Executive (military is unlikely to dissapear), or Judicial? It currently makes the most sense that our military taking control would remove the other remaining head. In this prophecy.

33 After this I looked again and saw the head in the middle suddenly disappear, just as the wings had done. 34 But the two heads remained, which also in like manner ruled over the earth and its inhabitants. 35 And while I looked, I saw the head on the right side devour the one on the left.

The best part(y) comes next. The young lion (ie new MAGA political movement IMO, though double meanings exist in prophecy & this could be the return of Christ... not certain but the text aludes to God speaking directly) comes forward and calls out the deep state/fourth beast.

36 Then I heard a voice saying to me, “Look in front of you and consider what you see.” 37 When I looked, I saw what seemed to be a lion roused from the forest, roaring, and I heard how it uttered a human voice to the eagle and spoke, saying,

38 on certainly sounds like a Trump-esk speech declaring biblical prophecy is being fulfilled.

38 “Listen, and I will speak to you. The Most High says to you, 39 ‘Are you not the one that remains of the four beasts that I had made to reign in my world, so that the end of my times might come through them? 40 You, the fourth that has come, have conquered all the beasts that have gone before, and you have held sway over the world with great terror and over all the earth with grievous oppression, and for so long you have lived on the earth with deceit.[g] 41 You have judged the earth but not with truth, 42 for you have oppressed the meek and injured the peaceable; you have hated those who tell the truth and have loved liars; you have destroyed the homes of those who brought forth fruit and have laid low the walls of those who did you no harm. 43 Your insolence has come up before the Most High and your pride to the Mighty One. 44 The Most High has looked at his times; now they have ended, and his ages have reached completion. 45 Therefore you, eagle, will surely disappear, you and your terrifying wings, your most evil little wings, your malicious heads, your most evil talons, and your whole worthless body, 46 so that the whole earth, freed from your violence, may be refreshed and relieved and may hope for the judgment and mercy of him who made it.’ ”

Maybe I have misinterpreted this all. Though it seems like everything is lining up. With the heads of government aligning to prevent Kamal & company from taking the presidential seat, it will be a pretty wild ride until our constitutional government is back up & running.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

No worries, I appreciate you sharing what you did find.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0


It amazes me how often others gain a little truth & think they must know it all, which often leads them to assuming groups are the entire problem. It seems to me to have been corrupted leaders of said groups that always ended up laying & convincing good individuals that they were doing what is right because an "authority figure" told them it was.

I have friends of multiple faiths & backgrounds that believe almost everyone is just trying their best to do good & because they are, everyone else must be too. There is true evil in this world. Many individuals actively desire evil (sickening things like child sacrifices), though the vast majority are oblivious to it & I have a hard time with others who assume just because someone is a Jew/LDS/Catholic/Democrat/Republican/etc... that they too must be all the worst parts of what an extremely evil minority is doing.

I tend to think the same thing about governments, though often it seems unelected deep state may make up 10% or more of those evil individuals, where generally in other groups/tribes it is likely to be less than 0.001% I would need to see some real numbers to really calculate it & the percentages I gave are just my best guess at top ends.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe Ukraine trafficked babies will end up being the ones that Kamala ends up being shown eating, if she did.


More likely, Ukraine is where they launder massive amounts of money & other blackmail stuff as you have suggested. If that money dries up, they are not able to produce their own (ie for centuries they have relied on interest from fees/usury/taxes/interest for a significant amount of their cash flow). I believe they are quickly losing all of their expendable funds, if they have lost it all already. If you can't pay your criminals to keep lying to the public, at some point they will all turn or just stop playing the filthy global game that is being run by these Satan worshipping individuals.

These guys on the lowest rung likely know they are now expendable/useful idiots that are just waiting for the hammer to drop & are going to do whatever they can with their limited knowledge of the blackhat plan (ie they only know enough to cause problems & gain what little power they have stolen/cheated to obtain over the years).

End of the day, Evil doesn't share glory or power completely.

When wealth dried up from the Vatican (I believe it was taken from London too, though I may be recalling that incorrectly), that was a huge blow to them. Ukraine seems to be one of the last few places they can launder finances & pay off political capital to do their bidding.

If "Saving Israel for Last" has to do with the global money laundering scheme (which there seems to have been info shared on this board sowing evidence IIRC) along with child crimes, I am thinking the entire world will be outraged & everything will fall into place to replace all money & human rights globally as a result.

They never though Hillary would lose. She could have tanked our economy with terrible wars, force our boys into the draft (girls too) to destroy our population & brought our country to a grinding halt where the vast majority begged for a global currency & government.

IMO God wants all his children to work with each other willingly, without the use of threat or violence. We should love our neighbors like we love ourselves. How can we do that with child trafficking & theft of time/labor/personal property happening on a global scale. We certainly can do it as individuals, though on a global scale, the entire world is watching & seeing the systemic destruction of the old guard.

Of course I could be wrong on my assessment with many details, though generally it seems to be going the way Q & scriptures have alluded to, or at least that is how I am seeing it play out.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately this forum historically has had Trolls & glowies (federal agents pretending to be citizen Anons) that our Mods are great at getting rid of.

I just assume that this is the best place for newly awakened (wanting to find the truth) to start out with Q drops & deep state grabs for power.

Many who were in the trenches while Q was actively dropping information had feds/blackhats trying to figure out who was giving out that information & were posting all kinds of crazy stuff to keep others from really trying to focus on what the Q account had posted.

Often others who have been harassed by these types of accounts in the past just assume that everyone who doesn't understand American slang is likely a Troll or Glowie trying to make problems again.

Those first few years had some really intense problems & most likely coming from the USA's own federal agencies so that corrupt leaders could maintain their power.

I am glad to have any truth seekers on here with us trying to figure it all out.

Keep pushing for truth to be exposed no matter where you come from maruQ


HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any chance there is a better resolution pic?

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Am I the only one who noticed this wasn't supposed to air until September? If I am understanding this correctly, then I want to know how many other debates have been staged & pre-recorded in advance by months?

Maybe I am just reading too much into this...

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this happens, all the popcorn I am eating will be worth the end.


HonestBobbin 4 points ago +5 / -1

I'll assume you have English as a 2nd Language.

"Just askin" is a common phrase used in America as a cultural question. It means they are asking out loud what everyone is thinking.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey bb do you happen to have links to those other posts that were made. I read over the first one & posted their pastebin from that link you shared. I would love to see the memes/pics they have tied into short & strike hear around the world (their 2nd & 3rd article). I do not browse the chans enough to know how to search for articles by account name/link.

Thank you for sharing this.

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