Are the vaxxed GMO and no longer qualifying as humans and therefore HAVE NO HUMAN RIGHTS? Thoughts, impressions, feels?
Question proposed while getting input from faraway friends.
From a Biblical point of view, I question this as well. Most Christians believe (because they've been taught) that God saved Noah and his family because they hadn't sinned. This of course isn't true. God said all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So then, why did God destroy all life (creatures) except a certain few including Noah, his family and two of every kind of animal and crawling thing?
I believe to answer this question we must heed a clue given to us in Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch. In Genesis 6 the idea of human DNA manipulation is a given as the result of fallen angels having sex with human females in order to produce giants. However, the Book of Enoch goes even further, explaining that God waited until there was only one family bloodline that had not been genetically modified before He destroyed nearly all living creatures.
This tells me unequivocally that God has severe issues with DNA manipulation, the primary reason being that once one fundamentally tampers with the DNA structure that God put in place, it ceases to be the creature God had intended and in the case of a human being...quite possibly ceases to exists in the image of his/her Creator.
My main reason for not taking the RNA/DNA manipulation jab has little to do with the use of fetal tissue (although this is a very good reason to not take the death jab). But it has everything to do with whether or not a person is actually a human after having their gene manipulation therapy. I think it quite possibly crosses over into the realm of risking ones eternal security. I'm not saying one cannot be saved if they have the jab and those who are saved, according to God's Word, are always in the Lamb's Book of Life. However, I will not jeopardize my relationship with my Savior (even at the risk of losing everything)...especially given my understanding of How Jesus reacted to DNA manipulation in the past! He made sure everything was inundated with the cleansing power of WATER!!!!
I have never believed fallen angels had sex with humans....they were giants and no woman could have carried a giants baby
angels appeared as men to Abraham and Sarai, and to Lot and the people of Sodam and Ghemorah....they had sex with human women and produced giants, and mythical really should do your due diligence on the doesnt say they were born 10 foot tall
Use your common sense....they would not be normal size babies. Stop taking the Bible as literal. It's like the Muslims taking their shoes off when the contex was leave off earthly what to buy for supper etc and other earthly thoughts. You do know what a psychopath is don't you? Their frontal lobes have become or never were attached so they have no connections to conscience. It's not something you should be using to describe people who were frightened and believed what they were told....a bit like you in fact