“O'Reilly sits down to interview President Trump and asks about the chaotic situation on the U.S.-Mexico border.
“Trump talks to Bill about Barack Obama's possible involvement involving illegal immigration and the handling of the migrant groups flooding the border.”
‘"[The Biden administration] is far-left of Obama or, again, its incompetent."’
“Trump also discusses the vaccine and whether or not he'd mandate it for federal employees.
“See the full interview on Monday's No Spin News.”
Excerpt: https://admin.billoreilly.com/b/Trump-and-OReilly-Discuss-the-Border-and-Vaccine/434430891958482487.html?dest=%2Fmobile%2Fblogdetail.jsp (00:01:23)
I don’t think people are suspicious of the vaccine because of Biden. And why is O’Reilly saying anti-vaxxer?
Who has Trump’s ear on this? I think even Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro realize how bad this is now. Seems like Trump should shift. Remember when he came into office and was talking to RFK Jr. about vaccine safety and them Bill Gates somehow got in his ear?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6YwP7Er-rQ (0:33)